What is a skin consultation and how is it different from a skin analysis?
We offer two very distinct options for our first-time clients. You can have a skin consultation or you can have a skin analysis.
So how do you know which you need?
A consultation is used to determine the answer to one question. For example, you might have a blemish such as pigmentation patch or some milia and would like to know if and how we can treat that for you.
Another type of consultation is to have one of our professionals assess your skin in order to match you to the correct Skin Essentials home-care products for your skin’s needs. These are quick consultations for our therapists to perform and are free of charge.
A skin analysis on the other hand is an in-depth look at the past history of all influences on your skin, such as medical, genetic, cosmetic and lifestyle factors, along with examining your skin under various scopes and taking digital readings of various markers in the skin structure to determine why your skin is presenting the way it is today.
This analysis is used to develop a plan of action including clinical treatment, lifestyle changes and home-care in order to correct a skin condition or multiple conditions such as premature ageing, skin inflammation, rosacea, acne breakouts or general sluggish, dysfunctional skin.
Do you:
- Have a specific question about a lesion, skin condition or treatment?
- Wonder if a particular treatment is suitable for your skin concern?
- Have a medical condition that you think might make you unsuitable to a treatment or product?
- Then just pop in to us for a 5-10 minute chat and we will be happy to advise you on the next steps to take.
You don’t need an appointment on weekdays to pop in for quick chat but on Saturdays you do! We are always happy to answer a question for you and there is no charge for dropping in to ask us anything!
Do you:
- Have no particular skin problems but want to start with preventative anti-ageing
- Want to start a new skincare routine for general skin health skin but don’t know what you should be using.
- Then just call us to arrange a free-of-charge product matching service, where we will examine your skin, take a brief medical overview to determine contra-indications and prepare a recommended home-care regime for your needs. This takes just 15 minutes and in done in the privacy of one of our consultation rooms.
Do you:
- Have problematic skin that is never ‘just right’
- Tend to react to products or treatment
- Find yourself ageing suddenly or having any other sudden change in the overall appearance of your skin
- Suffer from rosacea, acne or overly sensitive skin
- Have acne scarring
Then you need a skin analysis to determine why this is happening so that we can catch triggers at their source to effect real change in the skin’s behaviour and appearance, not just treat symptoms as they appear which only gives short-term results.
We also offer online assessments which combine elements of consultation/analysis. Along with determining skin type, condition, unique triggers and your concerns, we use a precise questionnaire to create a digital profile.
These answers are combined with photo assessment and follow-up calls or emails to craft a bespoke homecare plan to address your skin needs and concerns.
Mariga pioneered this unique online skin clinic and Skin Essentials were the first in Europe to bring this service to distance clients who we have been successfully treating since 2010. Cost €65.
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