Did you know that many of the annoying little skin anomalies that pop up over time on your face, hands and body can usually be very quickly and easily treated or removed, often in a single session?

One of the most satisfying parts of my job is taking care of age spots, skin tags, red veins and milia. In fact, I do all the lesion removal services in the clinic myself, that’s how much I love it!

We offer both cryotherapy (cold) lesion removal and electro desiccation (heat) methods of removal to ensure that you are getting the exact best treatment for your needs. A quick consultation determines the type and number of treatments that are the best fit for you. All of our treatments are non-invasive, meaning we work only in the upper layers of the epidermis. Both diathermy and cryotherapy are natural treatments using heat or cold energy that does not scar or damage surrounding healthy tissue.

Here are some of the blemishes that can be treated:

Red veins on the face – treated with diathermy. These tiny, visible veins respond very well to treatment and smaller ones will disappear in just one session. Larger or more extensive veins will need up to three sessions taken six weeks apart.

Thread veins b&a on nose






Skin tags: from the tiny ones on the neck to large individual tags anywhere on the body, these are very simple to treat, usually requiring just one session of either diathermy for the little ones or cryo for the bigger tags.







Milia: very successfully treated with diathermy, one session for small ones, follow up treatment needed for larger or more extensive milia issues.

Milia removal by diathermy, before and after one treatment.

Milia removal by diathermy, before and after one treatment.







Age spots/hyperpigmentation patches: vey simple and quick to treat with cryotherapy.
cryo sun spot progress official pic





What cannot be treated?
We cannot treat anything that is deeper-rooted in the skin, beneath the epidermis such as moles, or flaky, recurring or weeping patches of skin. These need to be seen by a doctor.

Can I help you with any of the above? or maybe you have a spot that you are not sure if it fits in to any of the above categories? Just give me a call on 053 9145981 or pop in to our skin clinic, Skin Essentials by Mariga, in Selskar, Wexford Town and I will be happy to advise you.


See more details and pricing here.