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If you have any questions about your skin just give us a call on 053 9145981 or email or browse our site using the tabs above. You will also find us on Facebook, YouTube and Snapchat (see code on right of page).

At Skin Essentials we specialise in non-invasive scientific skincare.

We believe in ageing gracefully but slowly!

Some of our services:

-Personalised Skin Analysis

-Removal of skin tags, red veins, pigmentation patches

-Natural skin tightening with bio-therapeutic microneedling

-Restoration and balancing of skin conditions such as dehydration, patchiness, uneven skin tone, redness or breakouts.

Give us a call and let us begin helping you towards the skin you want today.

053 914598


Photo of Wexford based skincare expert Mariga Sheedy from Skin Essentials