Have you tried mineral powder foundation?

I’m always recommending mineral powder rather than liquid foundations to my skincare clients as mineral powders in general are more skin friendly than most liquid or cream formulas.

But many of you tell me that you have tried them but can’t get the hang of application…

I hear that, it took me a little time to master it too but now that I have I wouldn’t go back.

Here are my application tips that I find helped me to get my technique right, I hope they help you too. And I demonstrate it in the video below too!

Let me know if you try it out,

Mariga x


  1. Tap, tap, tap! Tap your brush in the powder, tap off the excess back into the pot then tap all over your face.
  2. A little goes a long way. Using a light dusting for each layer will build even. natural results with as little or as much coverage as you want. Using too much on the brush is where most people go wrong.
  3. Buff, blend, buff – buff and blend into your skin in light-handed circular motions. Taking time to do this step thoroughly will result in a seamless blend and long-lasting finish.
  4. Layer other products under or over. Layer blush/bronzer UNDER your mineral foundation for a natural, seamless finish. Layer colour powder products OVER mineral powder foundation for a more defined look.
  5. Use the right brush – a large-headed dense buffing brush will give you the quickest application and best finish.

Watch more great tips on Mariga’s Youtube channel:

skin essentials by mariga, wexford, skincare, skincare facts, skincare tips, beauty tips,