How Bio-Magnetic Therapy Works
Bio-Magnetic Therapy is used for the following:
- Inflammatory conditions
- Wound healing
- Muscle relaxing
- Increasing blood flow and blood circulation in the body
- Improves oxygen supply and oxygen uptake in living
- tissues and cells
- Strengthens the immune system
- Increases detoxification and excretion of waste products
- Rheumatism, fibromyalgia and other joint pain
- Migraine and tension headaches
- Menstrual pain
- Muscle tension and overworked muscles
- Infiltrations
- Hypertension
- Distress in the body
- Cold fingers and toes
- Sleeping sensations and numbness
- Inflammation of tendons and tissues
- Tenitis, tennis elbow
- Other forms of pain in the back, knees, elbows, ankles, etc.
- Physical conditions such as stress, depression and anxiety.
Sometimes I use bio-magnetic therapy when appropriate for a client in my reflexology treatments. There is no need to book a separate treatment, if it is appropriate for your treatment on the day I will automatically add it as part of your reflexology therapy.
As a stand-alone for specific physical / pain management.
Bio-magnetic therapy can also be used as a stand-alone treatment for specific physical issues. I find this particularly effective for pain management especially, bu not limited to, muscular/joint problems.
As a stand alone treatment it must be taken weekly for a period of at least 4 weeks and you will have to follow a home care plan daily (don’t worry, it just takes 5 minutes). Each of the weekly clinical treatments takes just 25 minutes. Allow a few extra minutes on your first appointment for consultation and homecare plann.
This is a great option for those who can’t commit to the longer facial reflexology treatments weekly, as long as the issue is specific and has already been diagnosed for you. I have found great results on issues such as frozen shoulder, tennis elbow and neck pain with this method.
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