How to best manage dry skin conditions.
When we say dry skin, we mean skin that is naturally low in oils (lipids). This skin type will need more lipids and nourishment supply from the outside than another skin type. Lipid dry skin NEVER changes, if you have lower than average oil production this cannot be changed but it can be managed very well to give comfort and radiance to even the driest skin – with commitment and compliance!
Lipid dry skin has an intrinsic tendency to low natural oil production. It will look dull, thin, flaky and tired. It may have a tendency to redness, especially across the cheeks, with some whiteheads and visible capillaries.
Lipid dry skin will react quickly to outside factors such as wind, central heating, air conditioning and cold which can make it feel itchy or sting. It will be slow to heal and may scar easily.
You can already see how this skin type may easily be mistaken for ‘sensitive’.
The lack of natural oils in the skin impairs it’s defence and protection allowing it to become inflamed by outside aggressors, therefore the treatment protocol is to restore the oil balance to strengthen this barrier.

A close up of the stratum corner seen through our skin scanner – what does yours look like??
Clinical treatments for dry skin will consist of gentle facials using products that are high in essential fatty acids, anti-oxidants and nutrients.
At home, products must be very gentle and contain no fragrance (even naturally derived such as essential oils), artificial colouring or abrasive particles. Harsh cleansing is the most common mistake, make sure your cleanser is completely free from sodium laureth sulphate and keep exfoliation to a minimum. Oil based cleansers are best. Avoid the sun as much as possible and keep heating or air conditioning as low as possible. Drink plenty of water and try to eat a diet high in essential fatty acids. (Nuts, seeds, oily fish). Your pharmacist or heath food shop will be able to advise you on your diet and recommend a supplement if necessary.
Lipid Repair Concentrate from my Skin Essentials by Mariga range has been formulated to mimic the skins natural oil and also to encourage better natural oil flow over time with consistent use. See more details about this and all my products here.
It is possible to have skin that presents with all the above symptoms but is not intrinsically dry. This is artifically dry skin and is usually caused by incorrect skincare, medication or artificial climate and a few lifestyle adjustments combined with using the correct products can get you back on track. To obtain a correct diagnosis just book a comprehensive skin analysis in salon or fill out the distance clients consultation form here.
See the video below for recommendations on which products to use and when and how to apply them for immediate comfort and long term symptom management.
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Have you read Mariga’s e-book yet? ‘The Skincare Rules’ is packed full of simple, easy to implement tips that will help to get you great skin – for life!
‘The Skincare Rules’ is a fantastic resource for every skin type, full of advice that you can implement right now to help get great skin – for life.
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