How much should you be paying for you skincare products?
That depends on what you want a product to do. The more active a product, likely the more expensive the ingredients are.
Paying big money for your skincare is no guarantee of quality. That said, you won’t get quality formulas and active ingredients cheaply, so from that we can we infer that a cheap product is not doing any good? It all depends on ingredients:
Ingredients in a skincare formulation can be active or inactive. (Occasionally both).
Active ingredients are those which can change, correct or support cell function deep in the epidermis.
Inactive ingredients can change only the surface appearance.
Usually, active ingredients are expensive as they have undergone years of research and development. Any formula that claims to change how skin cells act such as anti-wrinkle, acne clearing or rosacea control needs to have active ingredients to work. Therefore they will be more expensive than inactive formulas.
Inactive ingredients are things like inert (not essential) natural oils, silicones, glycerine, mineral oil or other conditioning agents that give that nice feeling of slip under makeup and usually serve to retain moisture in the skin. There is nothing wrong with using inactive formulations as long as you are aware that they can’t change anything in your skin and are just washed off every evening. Do not expect to pay so much for these types of products.
Irritating ingredients like sulphate, synthetic fragrance and artificial colours cost pennies per gallon and appear in most mass market skincare, even the most expensive. Beware of these as they will irritate and age your skin at its deepest level.
Whether you choose products with high levels of active ingredients really depends on your needs and your budget. Just don’t part with your money for something that looks/sounds/smells good until you know what it can and can’t do for your skin.
All Skin Essentials by Mariga products contain the maximum actives for results in each formulation so all our active serums and creams do exactly what they claim.
Learn more: for everything you need to know about getting, and keeping, great skin pick up a copy of Mariga’s ebook ‘The Skincare Rules’ from Amazon now for just 2.99!
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