Skin expert Mariga from Skin Essentials shares her tips on sorting the good from the bad in online skincare advice.

We are a generation of quick-fix, tell-me-the-answer-now type of people. The ease of googling for an answer at any time of the day or night has left us impatient for instant information, instant advice, instant results.

I want it





It is easy, then, to turn to the internet for advice when you have a skin issue that is bothering you. The problem is, that just like paper never refuses ink, the internet never refuses content. But who regulates it? No one! So we have to use our common sense and logic to regulate what we consume online.

The golden rule when looking at any content is to CONSIDER THE SOURCE. If you follow that rule online whether you are looking at the weather forecast, a cake recipe or skincare tips, you can’t go too far wrong.

When you have settled on a source of skincare advice that you know is accredited, reputable, knowledgeable and experienced (yay, you found your way here, go you!), the next stage of course is to TAKE THE ADVICE!

Along with the demand for instant answers, here at Skin Essentials by Mariga, we have experienced a big upswing in people looking for instant results too, but skincare is a long game. It can take years of neglect, inappropriate skincare, sun exposure or plain bad habits to manifest as the annoying skin problem you are now experiencing, be that poor texture, redness lines or breakouts. Naturally, it is going to take time repair these issues too. First we rebuild the strength and health of your skin, then correct past damage. There is no short cut. Whatever the internet says 🙂

So, if you are looking for long-term great skincare and measurable results you have come to the right place. We specialise in non-invasive anti-ageing and skin damage correction. If that sounds like what you are looking for, we would love to work with you on getting you great skin, for life.

All good things are worth waiting for.




Contact us on 053 9145981 to set up a personal consultation or check out our Distance Client Assessment service here.



Have you read Mariga's e-book yet? 'The Skincare Rules' is packed full of simple, easy to implement tips that will help to get you great skin - for life!

Have you read Mariga’s e-book yet? ‘The Skincare Rules’ is packed full of simple, easy to implement tips that will help to get you great skin – for life!

Download for Kindle here