More than a beauty treatment – read what the creator of the Japanese Cosmo Facelift, Lone Sorensen,  has to say about the multiple other benefits to this unique treatment:

“Explore the Health Benefits of the Japanese Lifting Facial Treatment Method.

The Japanese lifting facial is widely known for its ability to rejuvenate the skin and restore a youthful glow. But its potential goes far beyond the aesthetic. This method can also be effectively used to address various health issues, especially those involving the jaw, neck and face area.

Below, we explore how the Japanese lifting method can support conditions such as jaw tension, useism, TMJ disorders and even facial paralysis.

Treatment of Jaw Tensions and Bruxism

Jaw tensions and bruxism (the decay of the teeth) are increasingly common problems, often associated with stress and poor posture. These conditions can lead to headaches, ear pain and even damage to teeth. Furthermore, chronic useism can result in maxillary problems, which can lead to other complications such as tinnitus (the ringing of the ears), visual disorders, headaches and neck pain.

By stimulating important reflex zones, points and muscles in the right combination, while promoting relaxation, the Japanese lifting method can:

• Loose tension in the jaw muscles.

• Improve blood circulation in the affected area.

• Reduce inflammation and discomfort.

• Support long-term adjustment and relaxation.

Support for TMJ Disorders

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can cause significant discomfort, ranging from problems with chewing to chronic pain in the face, neck and shoulders. The Japanese lifting method integrates gentle manipulation of reflex zones, which helps:

• Relieves pain and stiffness in TMJ.

• Improve the mobility and function of the jaw.

• Relieve associated symptoms such as neck tension and headaches.

Relief for Neck, Eyes and Ears

Problems with the jaw and facial muscles often appear in other areas, including the neck, eyes and ears. For example, tight jaw muscles can contribute to neck stiffness, while bruxism and TMJ disorders can cause tinnitus (ringing of the ears) or eye strain. The Japanese lifting technique can:

• Promote relaxation and balance across connected muscle groups.

• Improve lymphatic drainage and reduce swelling and tension around the eyes.

• Relieve ear problems by stimulating the reflex pathways associated with the auditory system.

In addition, more physiotherapists and dentists are already using this method in their practice to effectively address these related problems. This collaboration emphasizes the credibility of the method as a holistic and therapeutic approach.

Facial Paralysis Recovery Advancing

Facial paralysis, whether caused by Bell’s paralysis, stroke or other conditions, can have a significant impact on quality of life. The Japanese lifting method, with its precise stimulation of facial muscles and reflex zones and points, can:

• Stimulate muscle reactivation and coordination.

• Improve blood circulation to promote nerve repair.

• Support the overall symmetry and toning of the face.

A Holistic Approach

What sets the Japanese lifting method apart is its holistic approach. This treatment is rooted in the principles of facial reflexology, the Lone Sorensen method, and integrates ancient techniques with modern understanding of the body’s interconnected systems and deep muscle stimulation – all in one treatment. By focusing on both internal health and external appearance, this method offers:

• A non-invasive solution to a number of health challenges.

• A deeply relaxing experience that supports mental wellbeing.

• Long-term benefits for posture, circulation and muscle balance.


The Japanese Lifting Facial is more than a beauty treatment; it is a powerful tool to address a range of health issues. From jaw tension and TMJ conditions to facial paralysis, this method offers a gentle, effective, and holistic approach to healing and wellness. By integrating this treatment into a broader therapeutic plan, therapists can help clients achieve not only radiant skin, but also improved health and vitality.” Lone Soresnsen.

Available in our Wexford Town clinic, you can book your treatment with Mariga or Anna online here