There are some skincare mistakes that we all have made at some point in time!
Often this is out of a misguided sense of ‘more is better’ or because of persistent beauty myths that abound on the internet. (Don’t even get me started on the coconut oil fixes everything craze). Maybe you are trying something that is working for a friend and can’t understand why you are not getting the same results? Or you had a facial and don’t understand why it didn’t fix your skin? Below is my list of common skincare mistakes to avoid. Have you made these skin mistakes?
- Over Cleansing – gentle cleansing every night is enough. Over stripping will cause water/oil imbalance and lead to inflammation
- Over exfoliation – your skin is not a floor, don’t scrub it.
- Not giving a new product/treatment time to work – skin takes time to get into a state of disrepair, it will take time to rebalance it too. There is no magic wand!
- SPF is not just for summer – light, not just heat, damages you skin leading to premature ageing at the least. Use it 365!
- Guessing your skin type – no no no! Have your skin professionally analysed to make sure you are getting it right from the start and avoid adding to skin damage by using an inappropriate product for you.
Not sure whether you are making skin mistakes? Drop in to our skin clinic in Selskar, Wexford or call us on 053 9145981 to talk to one of our expert skin therapists who will be happy to advise you and get to started on the path to great skin.
Have you read Mariga’s e-book yet? ‘The Skincare Rules’ is packed full of simple, easy to implement tips that will help to get you great skin – for life!
Own The Skincare Rules now on Kindle for €2.99

The Skincare Rules by Skin Essentials founder Mariga Sheedy. Everything you need to know to get great skin, for life.
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